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(foto: Sara Amaral)

Who’s out there in the cold?
It’s me again
You have to open the door
So I can come in
And take a look inside
I’ll climb your walls
I’ll crawl on your floor
So I can see you

Is this real?
Or is it just all in my head?
I’m sure it’s all in my head

Strange things happened
No sure what
Something is striking me
An unwanted feeling
Straight from below
I close my eyes
I don’t want to see no more

Is this real?
Or is it just all in my head?
I’m sure it’s all in my head

Images haunting me
Stop the screaming
Stop the dreaming
Take your hands off……

Is this real?
Or is it just all in my head?
I’m sure it’s all in my head

2 Pensamentos:

Anonymous Anónimo pensou...

Great work!
[url=http://gqubfifa.com/lztc/lkgc.html]My homepage[/url] | [url=http://wykdlzey.com/jhwi/cawl.html]Cool site[/url]

9:05 da tarde  
Anonymous Anónimo pensou...

Nice site!
http://gqubfifa.com/lztc/lkgc.html | http://uluwqcim.com/clbe/yctj.html

9:06 da tarde  

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